Although email is a great medium for reaching leads and customers, marketers still struggle with email engagement. Keeping customers and leads engaged is still the bane of email marketers both in the B2C and B2B spheres. One of the engagement metrics that keeps marketers up at night is the click-through rate.
Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of email recipients that click on any links in your email. This is essential to understand when looking at your metrics, and your overall plan to achieve marketing success. The reason email marketers place so much stock by CTR is:
It shows the behavioral habits of their subscribers
It measures how engaged subscribers are (through the number of clicks)
When combined with conversion rate (CR), it helps marketers understand the sales journey of their customers.
Given its importance, a low CTR is a marketer’s nightmare. Many B2B email marketers complain about how low their CTRs are without paying attention to their industry average. An important thing to note about acceptable CTRs is that it varies by industry.
MailChimp publishes an annual email benchmark which shows open rates and click-through rates across different industries. For 2018, Restaurant and Public Relations had the lowest CTR at 1.06% and 1.63%. Hobbies had the highest CTR with 4.78% followed closely by Media and Publishing with 4.55%.
Comparing your CTR to your industry average gives a better picture of what you need to improve. If you’re a B2B email marketer in the architecture and construction industry, a CTR of 3% is higher than the industry average of 2.55%. Not that you can’t improve (you absolutely can), comparing your CTR to industry rates gives you a benchmark to never follow below. If your CTR is below your industry’s average, it’s time to get back to the drawing board and think up new ways to improve your email marketing campaigns to get more clicks. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all by yourself. Here are tips we recommend you implement to boost your click-through rate:
Craft better subject lines
The subject line is one of the most important aspects of an email. Apart from brand recognition, a good subject line may be the deciding factor to recipients opening your emails. When recipients open and read your email, they click links that lead them to other actions you want them to perform. The subject line thus has a direct correlation to your click-through and conversion rates.
Writing a subject line that wows the pants off your recipients seems hard. It is not. When crafting your subject line, make sure it:
Focuses on the recipients.
Doesn’t cause your openers to feel remorse or cheated because the subject line promises something that the email content doesn’t deliver on. Example, you can’t send an email with the subject line “Write an introductory email like a pro” and your email content contains everything but content that relates to your subject line.
Respects their time. Again, never write a subject line that doesn’t deliver in the content. It is disrespectful to the time your recipient used in opening your email.
A subject line that isn’t too showy and delivers on its promises is doable. Just put yourself in the shoes of your recipients. Remember to use preview text to your advantage to bolster your subject line.
Refine email content
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
After opening an email, what keeps a recipient interested and reading is the content. The content will lead them to your Call to Action (CTA) buttons and get you those clicks. Therefore, make sure you have to bring it with email content.
In our email content guide, we talk about everything you need to know about creating email content that converts. Here are two of our must-do for email content:
Add visuals to your emails. Human beings respond better to visual stimuli. Emails with visuals get higher clicks. You can add images, gifs and videos to your email content. If you’re stuck thinking about how to jazz up a white paper in your email content, turn some information inside into an eye-catching infographic.
Make sure your email content delivers information that subscribers find valuable. It is the easiest way to get your email opened on sender recognition alone.
Always ask for feedback on content as people are likely to answer short surveys or polls. Reward subscribers once in a while for sticking with you and reading your emails.
Great email formatting
Email formatting could be the culprit to your click-through rate woes. Use the following tips to get a better click-through rate:
Optimize your emails for mobile devices. More people are using smartphones to read their emails and emails that aren’t optimized for such screens may remain unread. There may be temptation to skip this step as a B2B email marketer, don’t give into it. While your expectation may be that your leads will read your emails on their desktops, it doesn’t always happen that way. Many people have work phones they carry around when away from their desk.
Use alt tags for images in case your recipients’ email clients blocks images.
Break up your email content into easy-to-read bits so readers can quickly decide what part they want to read.
Personalize and segment your list
Improper segmentation of your b2b email list could hurt your click rate. Everyone on your list will not like the same things or have the same interests. This is where segmentation comes in. Say your company serves two different industries, your subscribers from industry A will not click on content that is more relevant to subscribers from industry B and this will affect your click rates. Segmenting your list into Industries A and B, and sending content relevant to each industry to their respective subscribers will give you better CTRs.
Personalization is another proven tactic that boosts click-through rate. Beyond using recipient’s names in emails, another great way to personalize their experience is to use the data you have gathered on them to tailor their individual email marketing experience.
Create a better CTA
Photo by rawpixel from Pixabay
Do you use too many CTAs in your emails? When you give human beings too many options, you risk making them indecisive. Say you use 3 links in your emails and have low click rates, it may be time to reduce these links to 1 to get better CTRs.
Apart from writing great CTAs (which we’re sure you’re doing already), placement may affect your click-through rate. In 2016, Professors Jarl Salo and Ashish Kumar published a study on “Effects of Link Placement in Email Newsletters on their Click-through rates” in the Journal of Marketing Communication. They found that placing your CTAs on the left side had more impact as the reading pattern and attention follows a U-shape. It may be time to change the placement of your CTR if you experience low rates.
Test your email sending frequency
Email fatigue is another factor that might need optimization in boosting your click rate. Are you sending emails too often? Every B2B email marketer understands that the B2B buying cycle is longer than that of B2C. There is a need to stay relevant to your leads as they proceed through that cycle. There is a big difference between staying in touch by sending relevant content and spamming them with emails.
Sending emails too frequently could fatigue your recipients and decrease your open and click-through rates. If your click rates are lower than the industry average, it is time to test your email sending frequency. Try bi-weekly emails instead of weekly to see if there is an increase in click rates.
Wrapping Up
Finally, you can also add social share buttons to your email campaigns if you haven’t already to boost your click rates. Always take the time to clean up your list and re-engage bored subscribers.
It is also important to remember that conversion ultimately matters in your email campaigns. The goal of boosting click-through rate is to get more conversions. If a better your click-through rate doesn’t get you more sales, then it is not worth it.
Need help in building a solid B2B email list? Fill this form to get started. 19:44:162019-04-08 15:26:32Here’s how to Create Email Content That Rocks
One of the most important components of an email marketing campaign is Content. Content can make or break your email marketing campaigns. In our guide to email marketing and email strategy, we talk about why you need to create content that resonates with your subscribers. Content that subscribers relate to makes it easy to build trust, brand identity and increase revenue. This content you’re creating for subscribers can take various forms like articles, interviews, listicles, video, infographics and so much more.
Video content is one of the best performing content types on social media platforms. Videos have launched many a company into the limelight on social media. And the best part about video content is that anyone can create one. Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo have made it easy for videos to be hosted and shared with millions. On YouTube alone, people watch almost 5 billion videos daily. That’s a huge figure that shows just how ubiquitous video content is. You too can leverage video content in your campaigns as an email marketer.
Should You Include Video Content in your Email Marketing Campaign?
The answer is yes! Marketers the world over are using video content to:
Raise brand or product awareness
Drive engagement
Educate people about the products and services their business offers.
Video content has so many advantages for marketers and businesses. According to findings by Renderforest, marketers who use video content in their email campaigns and websites received more returns on their investment (ROI) than those who didn’t use video content.
Marketers who used video content in their emails boosted their click-through rates by 200-300%.
Using the word video in email subject lines increased open rates by 19%.
Marketers who included video content in their marketing arsenal grow revenue 49% faster than marketers who don’t use video.
Websites with video content receive 41% more traffic than websites that lack video.
Videos on homepage increase conversion by over 20%.
Video is too important not to include in your email marketing campaigns. Knowing the video content to include in your email marketing campaign will go a long way in ensuring you get the benefits associated with video.
How to Use Video Content in your Email Marketing Campaigns
Before you optimize your email subject line with the word “video”, you need to decide what your goals are and the video content you need to create to achieve that. And you need to ask yourself how that video content adds value to your customers. A reference to Steve Jobs’ attitude to marketing in this YouTubeToMP3Shark article reminds every marketer to keep the value they bring to the customer front and center.
“Steve Jobs gives out [sic] his million-dollar message to any company out there: marketing is about values. Everyone wants to solve their problems, and your job as a marketer is to prove to the consumers that your product does just that.”
As I have previously mentioned, marketers use video to achieve three main goals. The video content that helps you achieve each goal (awareness, engagement, and education) are all different. Once you have identified the goal you wish to achieve and how it brings value to customers, then it’s time to identify the video you can make to achieve your goals.
You can use video content to raise awareness about your services and products. This content also helps you share your company values with customers, strengthen customers’ loyalty to your business and have them associate your brand with a certain image/niche.
Roundup videos
This video packs interesting information into short digestible pieces that customers find helpful. This video from American Eye about special places to visit in each state in the US is a great example.
Meet the team video
This gives customers a sense of your company’s values and mission. This kind of video helps you showcase what makes your brand unique.
These are another type of video content that helps raise awareness about products, services, causes, companies, etc. Celebrities often use interviews to raise the buzz for their upcoming books, movies, concerts, and albums. An example is Lena Headey (the actress who plays Cersei) talking to Jimmy Kimmel about the new season of Game of Thrones.
Educational videos are a great way to connect with your customers. Like YouTubeToMP3Shark rightly noted:
“Educational video content establishes you as an authority, shows customers you can help, creates buyer trust and a deeper relationship with your customers.”
This video content can take the form of:
Explainer/How To videos
Wherein an expert walks their audience through a process step by step. These videos teach customers about various concepts from how to use a tool to how to cook something based on a recipe.
Q&A videos
Where an expert answers burning questions curated beforehand. A good example is our Founder, Andrew Trentor’s Q&A on email marketing and websites.
Product reviews
These are another great type of educational videos. Brands often send free samples of their products to influencers who give unbiased opinions after using them. Customers can watch such videos when researching a product to buy.
Live presentation
Tech companies are perhaps the best examples of companies using this video type to educate their customers about their products. An example is the yearly Apple event where their CEO, Tim Cook, unveils the latest iPhones, Macs and other Apple devices.
Other examples of educational videos include case studies, testimonials, product tours, and announcement videos.
Being able to relate or perform a needed service can help companies boost customer engagement.
Video skits
Short funny videos that get your customers to laugh and relax helps them relate better to your brand. Ads are a great way for brands to marry humor and video content into a format that just works. A favorite example is the 2018 Super Bowl Tide Ad featuring Stranger Things actor, David Harbour.
Other great ways to engage with your customers include:
Videos offering a service or welcoming you to a group or newsletter are another way for companies to engage with customers.
Video takeovers with an influencer or a team member showing behind the scene footage of what goes on inside a company.
Wrapping Up
Video is truly a versatile medium that every marketer should have in their arsenal. Knowing the video to create to achieve a particular goal is important if you wish to reap the benefits that come with video content.
Need help in building a solid B2B email list? Fill this form to get started. 19:30:462019-03-29 19:21:59Leveraging Video Content in Your Email Campaigns 22:56:252019-03-15 23:11:17Why an Email Marketing Strategy is Important for your Campaign
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Email marketing is known for is its high Returns on Investment (ROI). For every dollar invested, you stand to make $38 back. That is an ROI of 3,800%. It is easy to increase revenue using email marketing. Taking advantage of impulse buying is one way to accomplish this. When sending direct emails, email […] 00:19:492019-02-27 21:21:35Email Marketing 101: Simple Tips to Get You Started 17:38:032019-02-25 23:36:29Building an Email List
Part 1 – The Call To Action As we discovered the first post of the series on getting results from cold b2b emails (found here) the goal of a cold introduction is absolutely not to make the sale. Too many cold emails (especially the first one) go for kill shots. They make huge mistakes like: Selling the […] 16:48:362019-02-27 21:23:18Key Components of a Cold Email Campaign
Through the years talking to clients, colleagues, friends , and leads; I’ve found there are quite a bit of misconceptions and bad information floating around about how B2B email campaigns, and B2B marketing in general is supposed to perform & how to effectively see results from your outbound efforts. This is especially an issue today, when […] 18:59:532019-02-25 23:41:00The Overlooked Point Of Cold Email In B2B Marketing Campaigns.
Why Lead Management Matters
b2b email campaigns6 Email Marketing Tips to boost your Click-through rate
b2b email campaignsAlthough email is a great medium for reaching leads and customers, marketers still struggle with email engagement. Keeping customers and leads engaged is still the bane of email marketers both in the B2C and B2B spheres. One of the engagement metrics that keeps marketers up at night is the click-through rate.
Click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of email recipients that click on any links in your email. This is essential to understand when looking at your metrics, and your overall plan to achieve marketing success. The reason email marketers place so much stock by CTR is:
Given its importance, a low CTR is a marketer’s nightmare. Many B2B email marketers complain about how low their CTRs are without paying attention to their industry average. An important thing to note about acceptable CTRs is that it varies by industry.
MailChimp publishes an annual email benchmark which shows open rates and click-through rates across different industries. For 2018, Restaurant and Public Relations had the lowest CTR at 1.06% and 1.63%. Hobbies had the highest CTR with 4.78% followed closely by Media and Publishing with 4.55%.
Comparing your CTR to your industry average gives a better picture of what you need to improve. If you’re a B2B email marketer in the architecture and construction industry, a CTR of 3% is higher than the industry average of 2.55%. Not that you can’t improve (you absolutely can), comparing your CTR to industry rates gives you a benchmark to never follow below. If your CTR is below your industry’s average, it’s time to get back to the drawing board and think up new ways to improve your email marketing campaigns to get more clicks. Luckily, you don’t have to do it all by yourself. Here are tips we recommend you implement to boost your click-through rate:
Craft better subject lines
The subject line is one of the most important aspects of an email. Apart from brand recognition, a good subject line may be the deciding factor to recipients opening your emails. When recipients open and read your email, they click links that lead them to other actions you want them to perform. The subject line thus has a direct correlation to your click-through and conversion rates.
Writing a subject line that wows the pants off your recipients seems hard. It is not. When crafting your subject line, make sure it:
A subject line that isn’t too showy and delivers on its promises is doable. Just put yourself in the shoes of your recipients. Remember to use preview text to your advantage to bolster your subject line.
Refine email content
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash
After opening an email, what keeps a recipient interested and reading is the content. The content will lead them to your Call to Action (CTA) buttons and get you those clicks. Therefore, make sure you have to bring it with email content.
In our email content guide, we talk about everything you need to know about creating email content that converts. Here are two of our must-do for email content:
Always ask for feedback on content as people are likely to answer short surveys or polls. Reward subscribers once in a while for sticking with you and reading your emails.
Great email formatting
Email formatting could be the culprit to your click-through rate woes. Use the following tips to get a better click-through rate:
Break up your email content into easy-to-read bits so readers can quickly decide what part they want to read.
Personalize and segment your list
Improper segmentation of your b2b email list could hurt your click rate. Everyone on your list will not like the same things or have the same interests. This is where segmentation comes in. Say your company serves two different industries, your subscribers from industry A will not click on content that is more relevant to subscribers from industry B and this will affect your click rates. Segmenting your list into Industries A and B, and sending content relevant to each industry to their respective subscribers will give you better CTRs.
Personalization is another proven tactic that boosts click-through rate. Beyond using recipient’s names in emails, another great way to personalize their experience is to use the data you have gathered on them to tailor their individual email marketing experience.
Create a better CTA
Photo by rawpixel from Pixabay
Do you use too many CTAs in your emails? When you give human beings too many options, you risk making them indecisive. Say you use 3 links in your emails and have low click rates, it may be time to reduce these links to 1 to get better CTRs.
Apart from writing great CTAs (which we’re sure you’re doing already), placement may affect your click-through rate. In 2016, Professors Jarl Salo and Ashish Kumar published a study on “Effects of Link Placement in Email Newsletters on their Click-through rates” in the Journal of Marketing Communication. They found that placing your CTAs on the left side had more impact as the reading pattern and attention follows a U-shape. It may be time to change the placement of your CTR if you experience low rates.
Test your email sending frequency
Email fatigue is another factor that might need optimization in boosting your click rate. Are you sending emails too often? Every B2B email marketer understands that the B2B buying cycle is longer than that of B2C. There is a need to stay relevant to your leads as they proceed through that cycle. There is a big difference between staying in touch by sending relevant content and spamming them with emails.
Sending emails too frequently could fatigue your recipients and decrease your open and click-through rates. If your click rates are lower than the industry average, it is time to test your email sending frequency. Try bi-weekly emails instead of weekly to see if there is an increase in click rates.
Wrapping Up
Finally, you can also add social share buttons to your email campaigns if you haven’t already to boost your click rates. Always take the time to clean up your list and re-engage bored subscribers.
It is also important to remember that conversion ultimately matters in your email campaigns. The goal of boosting click-through rate is to get more conversions. If a better your click-through rate doesn’t get you more sales, then it is not worth it.
Need help in building a solid B2B email list? Fill this form to get started.
Here’s how to Create Email Content That Rocks
b2b email campaignsLeveraging Video Content in Your Email Campaigns
b2b email campaignsOne of the most important components of an email marketing campaign is Content. Content can make or break your email marketing campaigns. In our guide to email marketing and email strategy, we talk about why you need to create content that resonates with your subscribers. Content that subscribers relate to makes it easy to build trust, brand identity and increase revenue. This content you’re creating for subscribers can take various forms like articles, interviews, listicles, video, infographics and so much more.
Video content is one of the best performing content types on social media platforms. Videos have launched many a company into the limelight on social media. And the best part about video content is that anyone can create one. Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo have made it easy for videos to be hosted and shared with millions. On YouTube alone, people watch almost 5 billion videos daily. That’s a huge figure that shows just how ubiquitous video content is. You too can leverage video content in your campaigns as an email marketer.
Should You Include Video Content in your Email Marketing Campaign?
The answer is yes! Marketers the world over are using video content to:
Video content has so many advantages for marketers and businesses. According to findings by Renderforest, marketers who use video content in their email campaigns and websites received more returns on their investment (ROI) than those who didn’t use video content.
Video is too important not to include in your email marketing campaigns. Knowing the video content to include in your email marketing campaign will go a long way in ensuring you get the benefits associated with video.
How to Use Video Content in your Email Marketing Campaigns
Before you optimize your email subject line with the word “video”, you need to decide what your goals are and the video content you need to create to achieve that. And you need to ask yourself how that video content adds value to your customers. A reference to Steve Jobs’ attitude to marketing in this YouTubeToMP3Shark article reminds every marketer to keep the value they bring to the customer front and center.
“Steve Jobs gives out [sic] his million-dollar message to any company out there: marketing is about values. Everyone wants to solve their problems, and your job as a marketer is to prove to the consumers that your product does just that.”
As I have previously mentioned, marketers use video to achieve three main goals. The video content that helps you achieve each goal (awareness, engagement, and education) are all different. Once you have identified the goal you wish to achieve and how it brings value to customers, then it’s time to identify the video you can make to achieve your goals.
You can use video content to raise awareness about your services and products. This content also helps you share your company values with customers, strengthen customers’ loyalty to your business and have them associate your brand with a certain image/niche.
Roundup videos
This video packs interesting information into short digestible pieces that customers find helpful. This video from American Eye about special places to visit in each state in the US is a great example.
Meet the team video
This gives customers a sense of your company’s values and mission. This kind of video helps you showcase what makes your brand unique.
These are another type of video content that helps raise awareness about products, services, causes, companies, etc. Celebrities often use interviews to raise the buzz for their upcoming books, movies, concerts, and albums. An example is Lena Headey (the actress who plays Cersei) talking to Jimmy Kimmel about the new season of Game of Thrones.
Educational videos are a great way to connect with your customers. Like YouTubeToMP3Shark rightly noted:
“Educational video content establishes you as an authority, shows customers you can help, creates buyer trust and a deeper relationship with your customers.”
This video content can take the form of:
Explainer/How To videos
Wherein an expert walks their audience through a process step by step. These videos teach customers about various concepts from how to use a tool to how to cook something based on a recipe.
Q&A videos
Where an expert answers burning questions curated beforehand. A good example is our Founder, Andrew Trentor’s Q&A on email marketing and websites.
Product reviews
These are another great type of educational videos. Brands often send free samples of their products to influencers who give unbiased opinions after using them. Customers can watch such videos when researching a product to buy.
Live presentation
Tech companies are perhaps the best examples of companies using this video type to educate their customers about their products. An example is the yearly Apple event where their CEO, Tim Cook, unveils the latest iPhones, Macs and other Apple devices.
Other examples of educational videos include case studies, testimonials, product tours, and announcement videos.
Being able to relate or perform a needed service can help companies boost customer engagement.
Video skits
Short funny videos that get your customers to laugh and relax helps them relate better to your brand. Ads are a great way for brands to marry humor and video content into a format that just works. A favorite example is the 2018 Super Bowl Tide Ad featuring Stranger Things actor, David Harbour.
Other great ways to engage with your customers include:
Wrapping Up
Video is truly a versatile medium that every marketer should have in their arsenal. Knowing the video to create to achieve a particular goal is important if you wish to reap the benefits that come with video content.
Need help in building a solid B2B email list? Fill this form to get started.
Why an Email Marketing Strategy is Important for your Campaign
UncategorizedEmail Marketing 101: Simple Tips to Get You Started
b2b email campaigns, B2B email lists article, B2B email marketing, b2b lead generation, Buy email listPhoto by rawpixel on Unsplash Email marketing is known for is its high Returns on Investment (ROI). For every dollar invested, you stand to make $38 back. That is an ROI of 3,800%. It is easy to increase revenue using email marketing. Taking advantage of impulse buying is one way to accomplish this. When sending direct emails, email […]
Building an Email List
b2b email campaigns, B2B email lists article, B2B email marketing, b2b lead generation, Buy email listKey Components of a Cold Email Campaign
b2b email campaigns, B2B email lists article, B2B email marketing, b2b lead generation, Buy email listPart 1 – The Call To Action As we discovered the first post of the series on getting results from cold b2b emails (found here) the goal of a cold introduction is absolutely not to make the sale. Too many cold emails (especially the first one) go for kill shots. They make huge mistakes like: Selling the […]
The Overlooked Point Of Cold Email In B2B Marketing Campaigns.
b2b email campaigns, B2B email marketing, b2b lead generationThrough the years talking to clients, colleagues, friends , and leads; I’ve found there are quite a bit of misconceptions and bad information floating around about how B2B email campaigns, and B2B marketing in general is supposed to perform & how to effectively see results from your outbound efforts. This is especially an issue today, when […]